Hypercompetition Strategy |
Long-term success depends not on sustaining an advantage through a static, long-term strategy, but instead on formulating a dynamic strategy for the creating, destruction, and recreation of short-term advantages. This masterful presentation, essentially an operating manual of strategy and tactics for a new era, will be required reading for managers, planners, consultants, and students of hypercompetitive industries. Download Now Hypercompetion Strategy Presentation Outline: The Nature of Hypercompetition Era Strategic Plan in the Hypercompetition Era Vision for Disruption: Stakeholder Satisfaction and Strategic Soothsaying Capabilities for Disruption: Speed and Surprise Tactics for Disruption: Shifting the Rules, Signaling, and Sequential Strategic Thrusts
This presentation is based on this excellent book : Richard D’Aveni, Hypercompetition : Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering, Free Press. You can get this fine book here.