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Industry and Competitive Analysis
Dominant Economic Characteristics of the Industry Environment
Market size and growth rate, geographic scope, number and sizes of buyers and sellers, pace of technological change and innovation, scale economies, experience curve effects, capital requirements, and so on.

Competitive Analysis
Rivalry among competing sellers (a strong, moderate, or weak force; weapons that rivals are relying upon in their efforts to outcompete one another)
Threat of potential entry (a strong, moderate, or weak force; assessment of entry barriers)
Competition from substitutes (a strong, moderate, or weak force, and why)
Power of suppliers (a strong, moderate, or weak force, and why)
Power of customers (a strong, moderate, or weak force, and why)

Competitive Position of Major Companies/Strategic Groups
Those that are favorably positioned, and why?
Those that are unfavorably positioned, and why?

Competitor Analysis
Strategic approaches/predicated moves of key competitors
Whom to watch, and why

Industry Prospects and Overall Attractiveness
- Factors making the industry attractive
- Factors making the industry unattractive
- Special industry issues/problems
- Profit outlook (favorable/unfavorable)

Thinking Strategically About Industry And Competitive Conditions: The Key Questions

What are the industry's dominant economic features?
What is competition like and how strong are each of the competitive forces?
What is causing the industry?s competitive structure and business environment to change?
Which companies are in the strongest/weakest positions?
What strategic moves are rivals likely to make next?
What are the key factors for competitive success?
Is the industry attractive and what are the prospects for above-average profitability?

Thinking Strategically About A Company's Own Situation: The Key Questions

How well is the company's present strategy working?
What are the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?
Are the company's prices and costs competitive?
How strong is the company's competitive position?
What strategic issues does the company face?
What Strategic Options Does The Company Realistically Have? Is it locked in to improving the present strategy or is there room to make major strategy changes?
What is the best strategy? Does it have good fit with the company's situation? Will it help build a competitive advantage? Will it help improve company performance?

Source of Reference:
Arthur Thompson and Strickland, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, McGraw Hill. You can obtain this excellent book here

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on Marketing Strategy and Marketing Management HERE.

Indonesian version of strategy article like this can also be seen at www.StrategiManajemen.net
