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Strategic Management
Sample of SWOT Analysis : SAMSUNG Case
Samsung is no longer the company that it used to be, it is a company that has put in a lot effort and money for changing its reputation. Today, Samsung is striving and growing into one of the most successful companies ever. It has an extensive product line that caters to many different people. It no longer operates on low profits;it’s striving on the highest.

Sample of SWOT Analysis : McDonald Reastaurant Case
McDonalds has been established for years now and it operates many branches in various counties. It is one of the most successful fast food restaurants, hence it continues to grow. McDonalds acts as a very strong competitor to many fast food places, however by doing the SWOT Analysis of McDonald Restaurant competitors have a chance at succeeding as well.

Sample of SWOT Analysis : INTEL Case
Intel is the world’s largest organization, which makes semi-conductor chipmakers for computers and laptops. It is an American based company and has the highest revenue worldwide in semiconductor chips. Almost every computer nowadays has these Intel chips in it.

Sample of SWOT Analysis : Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company lies in the top 10 automobile company all over the world. It is manufactured in USA but it has been distributed to major parts of the world. This company came into existence in the year 1903 and was founded by Henry Ford. Whole company is in the controlling hands of none other than Ford family. It is a very large automobile company, which has specialized in trucks and cars. Any person who is familiar with Ford brand surely prefers this to any other brand because of its durability and performance.

Sample of SWOT Analysis : FACEBOOK Case
The trend of social networking started some time back but people became more familiar with this concept when Facebookwas introduced. It was launched in the year 2004 and since then its users has increased in an uncountable numbers. The procedure to get access to Facebook is simple i.e. you have to visit the site, fill in the required information and after that you are ready to socialize with people from all over the world.

Sample of SWOT Analysis : Coca Cola Case
Coca Cola is a well renowned brand all over the world and it is easily available in every corner of every country. The best thing about this carbonated drink is that it focuses on large variety of audiences such as children, teenagers and old people etc. In short, it covers every person, which is present on this planet.

Sample of SWOT Analysis : Citibank Case
SWOT analysis is an important tool to know how your company or firm is acting and performing in the market as compared to itself and its competitors. SWOT analysis is a way of looking deep into the history of a company, let say in this Citibank. SWOT analysis makes it possible for you to have a detail insight about its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.A firm is a small part of an industry and that firm needs to know where it lies and what action it has to take in order to improve or maintain its position.

Types of Business Strategy
Strategy's original application had to do with military issues— protecting one's homeland from invading armies or, as one of those armies, finding new, more effective ways to conquer territory. In fact, military history has become the basis for many marketing strategies and drives much of the current marketing philosophy.

Seven Market Position Strategies
As the name suggests, monosegment positioning involves developing a product-and-marketing program tailored to the preferences of a single market segment. Successful implementation of this strategy would give the brand an obvious advantage within the target segment, but would not generate many sales from customers in other segments. This strategy is best used with mass-marketing.

Five Components of Strategy
There are five components—or sets of issues—within a well-developed strategy. First is Scope. The scope of an organization refers to the breadth of its strategic domain—the number and types of industries, product lines, and market segments it competes in or plans to enter. Decisions about an organization's strategic scope should reflect management's view of the firm's purpose or mission. This common thread among its various activities and product-markets defines the essential nature of what its business is and what it should be.
Hypercompetition Strategy
Long-term success depends not on sustaining an advantage through a static, long-term strategy, but instead on formulating a dynamic strategy for the creating, destruction, and recreation of short-term advantages. This masterful presentation, essentially an operating manual of strategy and tactics for a new era, will be required reading for managers, planners, consultants, and students of hypercompetitive industries.

Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy
An industry's competitive conditions and overall attractiveness are big strategy-determining factors. A company's strategy has to be tailored to the nature and mix of competitive factors in play : price, product quality, performance features, service, warranties, and so on.

Industry and Competitive Analysis
Dominant economic characteristics of the industry environment covers market size and growth rate, geographic scope, number and sizes of buyers and sellers, pace of technological change and innovation, scale economies, experience curve effects, capital requirements, and so on.

Cornerstones of Growth Strategy
A simple way to view the Growth System is as gears in an engine. The Growth System's three basic gears (cornerstones) are commitment, strategy, and capability. The following paragraphs give some examples of the role each cornerstone plays in the Growth System.

Competitive Forces in Porter Model
Five competitive forces in Porter's Model are as follows: 1) Rivalry among competing sellers; 2) Threat of potential entry 3) Competition from substitutes; 4) Power of suppliers and 5) Power of customers

Strategy for Hypercompetition Era
An examination of successful hypercompetitive firms by Richard D’Aveni – and published in his remarkable book, Hypercompetion -- revealed that many utilized some or all of a new set of approaches—the New 7-S's. The first two of these S's—stakeholder focus and strategic soothsaying—are concerned with establishing a vision for how to disrupt the market.

Five Tasks of Strategy
The strategy-making/strategy-implementing process consists of five interrelated managerial tasks: forming strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy to achieve the desired outcomes, implementing and executing the chosen strategy and evaluating performance.

Product-Market Matrix Strategy
The product/market opportunity matrix identifies four alternative marketing strategies that may be used to maintain and/or increase sales of business units and products: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification.

Generic Strategy Model
The Porter generic strategy model examines two major marketing planning concepts and the alternatives available with each: competitive scope (broad target or narrow target) and competitive advantage (lower cost or differentiation). By combining the two concepts, the Porter model identifies these basic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.
