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Creating An Effective Advertising for Service Products
Experts agree that while some aspects of advertising are the same for goods and services, the special characteristics of services require additional strategies to make advertising of services most effective. These include the following:

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• Present vivid information. Advertisers should use information that creates a strong or clear impression on the senses and produces a distinct mental picture. One way to use vivid information is to evoke strong emotion, such as in AT&T's successful "Reach Out and Touch Someone" campaign. Using vivid information cues is particularly desirable when services are highly intangible and complex.

• Use interactive imagery. One type of vividness involves what is called interactive imagery. Imagery, denned as a mental event that involves the visualization of a concept or relationship, can enhance recall of names and facts about service. Interactive imagery integrates two or more items in some mutual action, resulting in improved re¬call. Some service companies effectively integrate their logos or symbols with an expression of what they do, such as the Prudential rock—the image of the rock is solid, and that impression is designed to carry over to the services company.

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• Focus on the tangibles. Another way that advertisers can increase the effectiveness of services communications is to feature the tangibles associated with the service, such as showing a bank's marble columns or gold credit card. Because services are abstract, they are often difficult to communicate clearly. Showing the tangibles provides clues about the nature and quality of the service.

• Feature service employees in communication. Customer-contact personnel are an important second audience for services advertising. Featuring actual employees doing their jobs or explaining their services in advertising is effective both for the primary audience (customers) and the secondary audience (employees) because it communicates to employees that they are important. Furthermore, when employees who perform a service well are featured in advertising, they become standards for other employees' behaviors.

• Promise what is possible. In line with the strategies we discuss in the next section, all service communications should promise only what is possible and not attempt to make services more attractive than they actually are. Many companies hope to create good service by leading with good advertising, but this strategy can backfire when the actual service does not live up to the promises in advertising.

• Encourage word-of-mouth communication. Because services are often high in experience and credence properties, people frequently turn to others for information rather than to traditional marketing channels. Advertising that generates talk because it is humorous, compelling, or unique can be particularly effective. Community and public relations and sponsorship of events, such as NASCAR, can also generate positive word-of-mouth messages.

• Feature service customers. Advertising testimonials featuring actual service customers simulate personal communications between people and are thereby a credible way to communicate the benefits of service. Referrals from satisfied customers have long been used in personal selling to convey the trust needed for a new customer to purchase a service that may appear risky.

Source of Reference:
Valerie Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, and Dwayne Gremler, Services Marketing, McGraw Hill. You can obtain this fine book here

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