Marketing and Business Strategy of Amazon |
All of us know that Amazon is an online shopping forum and they bring the sellers and buyers together through this forum. The main aim that was behind this online portal of shopping was to make shopping easy, through this the customers can help the consumers choose and go for the product that they see online. This activity saves the hassle of traveling costs and saves time; because if you go to the shop choose and then get it then the price of the commodity is increased due to the additional travel cost. Amazon is a real-world experience for the consumers and the sellers both. The question here remains unanswered that what is the reason behind the successful business run by Amazon. All the business experts have a fair idea that it is the business strategy of the Amazon. The Amazon business strategy is stunning. The marketers know that Amazon has personalized its business strategy in a way that it attracts the majority of the consumers and makes it one of the top web sites being visited in the entire world. You can donwload excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management and business strategy here. One of the reasons that customers are attracted to the website is the variety of products that are listed at the website; the provision of such a facility extends the limitations of the business. The business strategy of Amazon is simply to make buying easy by giving a user friendly and customer friendly forum for shopping. The websites interface is absolutely amazing and simple for anyone to use. One more business strategy by Amazon is to build a strong bond between the people who have designed the website and the people who use it. The acceptance of quality of products along with the provision of such a market to the masses makes the life easy for all those who want to shop while staying at home. To help the consumers with a shopping suggestion it would be a good idea to provide them with the views of the product being promoted on the website. It is amazing that most of the people rely on what the others tell them about the thing they are about to buy and one of the most important business factor is “the word of mouth”. This attracts the most strongly motivated customers who are willing to spend on the things from the shop and in the case Amazon; they are willing to buy from the web site. When it is about the website business strategy then it definitely is about the search engines optimizations. Business strategy of Amazon is definitely relying majorly on the concept of how their website can be ranked as one of the websites that are searched for most. Amazon makes sure that it targets the audience and then uses its own personal experience of business catering the needs of the customers that are well known to be beneficial for the business. Amazon hits the at the right target as it pulls the trigger of the business strategy of making the website with a variety of pages so that it is searched by the majority of the consumers for one product or the other. The search engine optimization is a business strategy for Amazon because it gives the website an opportunity to provide visual offer to treat for the product online this way the customers have to an option of buying from Amazon. You can donwload excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management and business strategy here. Efficient business based on the concept of search engine optimization will need a strong background with a well build and well organized website. Now the idea is to focus on how Amazon’s business strategy works, it works on the basis how well build the websites individual pages are and how those pages are indexed. The organization of the web pages will increase the opportunity to find Amazon while they are looking for products online. The visual impacts of the web site leave a major effect on the consumer’s mind and then in turn the choices of the consumer of the product to buy. The layout of the entire website has the same impact on the consumer as the packaging of a commodity has on the consumers. One of the Amazon’s business strategies is the well organization of the website. In addition, the colour and the well-designed web pages attract the maximum customers. Amazon is a medium and a well-defined technology for the people to buy things with ease on the internet and this is simply done through the Amazon’s well working web site, which is like a market place for the consumers. The Amazon works with a well-developed business plan that includes the business strategies of the company specifically designed for the customers so that they not only make the most of the website themselves but also provide benefit for the company itself. It makes sure that like all the other markets this online market also earns them the maximum profit through not just the advertising strategies or the pricing strategies but also from the business strategies. The company also manages to engage a number of partners and businesses for the global branding strategy for the web site to flourish as the online web market. This also is based on how the Amazon is affiliated with the industry and the people it works with for the development of their global business. Amazon not just carter to a specific kind of consumer but it also has to look upon the customers from a global point of view. Amazon’s position is strengthened when it is known as a global bookstore that provides the variety throughout the world to all kinds of customers. The pricing and the business strategy redefines the Amazon’s business plan comprehensively. The entire discussion can be put into a nutshell by focusing on how the web site works as a search engine for the books and it has a scope of being the world’s most famous online bookstore. This reputation has been gained over time by polishing the business strategy of Amazon. You can donwload excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management and business strategy here.