Sample of SWOT Analysis : Citibank Case |
SWOT analysis is an important tool to know how your company or firm is acting and performing in the market as compared to itself and its competitors. SWOT analysis is a way of looking deep into the history of a company, let say in this Citibank. SWOT analysis makes it possible for you to have a detail insight about its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.A firm is a small part of an industry and that firm needs to know where it lies and what action it has to take in order to improve or maintain its position. If we look at Citibank, there are several functions and services that it usually offers. It offers lending money for mortgage, consumer finance, auto finance, for managing cash of people. Citibank is a small subsidiary of the Citigroup and it also offers you facilities like: Credit cards, deposit accounts, different loans to various kinds of customers, insurance and investment instruments. Citibank is a well known bank that operates in China, India, Japan, US, Europe, Middle East and many more. SWOT analysis of Citibank is a necessary tool to know how the bank is performing. You can donwload excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management and business strategy here. If we look at SWOT Analysis of Citibank, we would be able to know how the firm should perform in order to maximize the strengths in a way that weaknesses are tackled and working on grabbing opportunities so that threats are minimized. SWOT Analysis of Citibank would first look into the strengths of the Citibank. Working all around the world Citibank has gained a great name and a great reputation amongst people and customers. So this has been like strength for the bank for a long time. Citibank also has a great financial position and has been able to raise deposits and been able to give away good loans. Another thing that Citibank has as strength is a good portfolio that it has to offer to the customers. Having a great portfolio has lead this bank to offer more services to people so that this bank can maintain and retain its customers in the best possible way. Another way to analyze the bank is by looking at other strengths it has. Citibank has a way of advertising in a big way. Advertising is what makes your firm more prominent amongst people and customers. It is also a way of attracting more customers to open accounts in the bank. Citibank has an edge over the others due to great visibility of its name amongst people. Citibank has another strength that it can use to maximize and capitalize on its opportunities. Due to large customer base and due to the fact that it caters to many various customers in different industries, it can lower its risk of bad debts. This is a strength that has lead this bank to get their loans back from people and thus maintain their financial position like they have always been able to do. Citibank has its real edge in another fact that it operates in more than 100 countries. This is a benefit that has always helped the bank to know how to gain customer attention and how to add more people as their customers. Operating in great number of cities has made this bank have more customer loyalty and have more access to different kinds of customers in different industries. You can donwload excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management and business strategy here. This has always been a benefit for Citibank and this has been used to work on weaknesses and tap many opportunities that exist in the market. So, SWOT Analysis of Citibank has always helped the bank to know where to go and what to do. Now looking at the weakness, Citibank needs to have an idea where it lies in its ladder of success and what weaknesses are there to tackle. The weakness that it has is that weak customer finance has lead this bank to be a little behind other banks in this particular area of interest. Weak customer finance is something that may lead this bank down the ladder of success and it may also cause many other people to divert away from this bank. Customers need great services and in that case, this bank should work hard and should work its way out of the weak trap in order to serve customers in the best possible way. This bank has a great dependence over the US market and sometimes has shown low activities and lesser kinds of products and services being offered to the customers in various countries. Since US customers are great in number and it is easy to tap them the dependence has greatly increased. SWOT Analysis of Citibank has made it possible for the bank to see how the company is following its strategic plans and what should employees do in order to fulfill companies’ plans and policies. Weakness can be tackled by increasing the efforts in which strengths are maintained and by trying to fade out the weakness, a firm has. This is the only way a firm like Citibank would be able to work on its opportunities that may exist in the market. The opportunities are the tools that can be used in a way that they soon finish the weakness and become strength of the company. The opportunity is still there for Citibank and that is it can always expand into many other countries to provide them with great services. It can also make its way and make efforts for growth into infrastructure sector. It can also make efforts to grow customer portfolio so that more and more customers are attracted. Looking at the threats that need to be avoided by the bank is the financial crisis that the firm usually gets into due to economic recessions. Another threat can be that Citibank needs to look at the facts of operating in a country. US market is the most attractive one for Citibank so it must know that it is the most unstable market and should be tackled accordingly. You can donwload excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management and business strategy here.