The concept of experiential marketing comprises of five core elements : sense, feel, think, act, and relate.
SENSE marketing appeals to the senses with the objective of creating sensory experiences through sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. SENSE marketing may be used to differentiate companies and products, to motivate customers, and to add value to products. SENSE marketing requires an understanding of how to achieve sensory impact.
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FEEL marketing appeals to customers' inner feelings and emotions, with the objective of creating affective experiences that range from mildly positive moods linked to a brand (e.g., for a non involving, nondurable grocery brand or service or industrial product) to strong emotions of joy and pride (e.g., for a consumer durable, technology, or social marketing campaign). As we will see, most affect occurs during consumption. Therefore standard emotional advertising is often inappropriate because it does not target feelings during consumption. What is needed for FEEL marketing to work is a close understanding of what stimuli can trigger certain emotions as well as the willingness of the consumer to engage in perspective taking and empathy.
THINK marketing appeals to the intellect with the objective of creating
cognitive, problem-solving experiences that engage customers creatively, THINK appeals to engage customers' convergent and divergent thinking through surprise, intrigue, and provocation. THINK campaigns are common for new technology products. But THINK marketing is not restricted only to high-tech products. THINK marketing has also been used in product design, retailing, and in communications in many other industries.
ACT marketing aims to affect bodily experiences, lifestyles, and interactions. ACT marketing enriches customers' lives by enhancing their physical
experiences, showing them alternative ways of doing things (e.g., in business-to-business and industrial markets), alternative lifestyles, and interactions. As I will show, analytical, rational approaches to behavior change are only one of many behavioral change options. Changes in lifestyles are often more motivational, inspirational, and spontaneous in nature and brought about by role models (e.g., movie stars or famous athletes).
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RELATE marketing contains aspects of SENSE, FEEL, THINK, and ACT marketing. However, RELATE marketing expands beyond the individual's personal, private feelings, thus adding to "individual experiences" and relating the individual to his or her ideal self, other people, or cultures.
RELATE campaigns appeal to the individual's desire for self-improvement (e.g., a future "ideal self that he or she wants to relate to). They appeal to the need to be perceived positively by individual others (e.g., one's peers, girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse; family and colleagues). They relate the person to a broader social system (a subculture, a country, etc.), thus establishing strong brand relations and brand communities.
Source of Reference:
Bernd H. Schmitt, Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate, Free Press. You can obtain this excellent book
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